Podcast & Interviews

Podcast & Interviews

All-important first impressions
The five things you should never do in an interview (+ five things you should always do).
How seating arrangements can impact your success in a meeting
Body language tips for men and women at work
The art of handshaking
How to survive the office party (and other precarious social events)
How to deal with difficult people in the workplace
Persuasive presentations
Making people feel important
How to be a great conversationalist
How to make it easy for people to say “yes”
The 12 most powerful words you can use
How to deal with fear and worry
How to handle criticism in business (and how to give it)
How to talk to the opposite sex so they will listen to you
Why lust doesn’t last
How to handle rejection
Why men and women see love differently
What women really want
What men really want
Commitment – why a man should give a women an impressive ring
Seven simple things women find attractive in men
What a man will do for sex
Decoding manspeak
What turns men off about women
Why affairs happen
Why women play around less than men
Eight classic signs of a cheater (and how to handle a cheater)
How to find the right partner (and clues about Mr/ Ms Wrong)
Five common new relationship mistakes
How to detect openness (spotting hand gestures)
Why women are more perceptive
Submissive vs dominant body language
What’s in a handshake
Smiles and laughter
Why laughter is the best medicine
Smiles and laughter are a way of bonding (+ advice for women)
Arm signals + insecurity
The power of touch
Cultural body language (what’s the same and what’s unique)
Deceit signals
Eye signals
Territories and personal space
Visualisation: Mentally achieving your goals first
The secret of the RAS inside your brain
How to decide what you want in life
How to get what you want in life
Overcoming obstacles and roadblocks
Surviving cancer
Barbara’s IVF story
Our cryonics journey
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