Body Language In The Workplace Book

$24.95 incl. GST

Discover the Importance of Body Language in Business

Do you lack confidence in the work place? Keep missing out on that vital promotion? Are you a woman, and need to gain the trust of your male colleagues, or visa-versa? Then this is the must-have guide for you!

Speaking with your body

The workplace is all about making that right first impression, creating a positive work environment and communicating effectively. It might be interesting to learn that a significant amount of that ‘communication’ is happening without saying a word. Body language strategies have the ability to help us improve many areas of our lives and this is especially true when it comes to our career. One of the most popular examples of how body language is important in business is the widely accepted idea that a firm handshake has positive connotations.

Whether it is trying to land a dream job, build morale with your workers or close that big deal. There are countless situations that require us not only to think about how and what we say, but also our positioning as we say it.

Simplifying strategies to help you succeed

With hundreds of tips on every area of workplace interaction from how to stand and the use of office jargon, to making eye contact and clinching that deal or interview, Allan and Barbara Pease will teach you how to empower every aspect of your business performance.

Discover powerful vital skills for every business context, including:

  • Clinching that deal or interview
  • How to make an impact in the first 4 minutes
  • Deciphering and using international body language strategies
  • How to build trust and rapport
  • How to know when others are lying or hedging

Simple to read and complete with a number or examples and images, this book is a must have for corporate professionals or anyone looking to become a strong contender in their industry. Place your order online and learn more about how your physical demeanour can affect your world. Learn more in person by enquiring about regular events.

(Also available as an eBook.)

Product Information

Weight: 0.335 kg
Dimensions: 21.5 × 14.5 × 2 cm


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